, Situs Jejaring Sosial Muslim Tandingan Facebook bisa jadi merupakan situs jejaring sosial muslim pertama yang pernah ada. Sebelumnya aku pernah mendengar kabar akan ada situs jejaring sosial muslim beralamat, tapi hingga saat ini situs tersebut belum diisi apa-apa. Namun, saat ini situs jejaring sosial muslim yang ditunggu-tunggu itu akhirnya rilis juga.

Pendirian situs ini dilatarbelakangi oleh munculnya sebuah fan page di facebook bernama “Everybody Draw Mohammed Day!” (EDMD). Kemudian, pemerintah pakistan melalui otoritas telekomunikasinya memblokir situs facebook tersebut. Pada tanggal 20 Mei 2010 yang lalu muncul sebuah ajakan untuk memboikot facebook melalui sebuah fan page yang bernama “AGAINST Everybody Draw Mohammed Day!”. Akhirnya sehari kemudian fan page EDMD tersebut ditutup oleh facebook. Tidak hanya sekali itu muncul grup atau fan page yang menyebarkan kebencian terhadap Islam. Sementara itu, grup-grup yang mengajak persatuan Islam dsb. ditutup oleh facebook.

Akibat perilaku diskriminasi tersebut, maka muncullah niatan dari sekelompok anak muda profesional di bidang IT dari kota Lahore (Pakistan) untuk mendirikan sebuah situs jejaring sosial muslim. Pemilik situs, Usman Zaheer, mengatakan bahwa situs jejaring sosial buatan mereka adalah pesaing dari Facebook dan timnya berusaha menempatkan yang terbaik untuk membuat MillatFacebook menjadi salah satu situs sosial yang besar dan sukses di dunia.

Halaman depan

Halaman depan

Tampak di halaman depan millatfacebook itu terdapat sebuah tagline yang mengatakan “MillatFacebook helps you connect and share with more than 1.57 billion Muslims and Sweet people from other Religions”. Dari tagline tersebut jelas sekali harapan ke depannya MillatFacebook ini dapat menjadi media interaksi di dunia maya bagi umat Muslim dan juga umat agama lain yang tidak memusuhi kaum Muslim.

Millatfacebook memiliki nama, tampilan dan fitur yang sangat mirip dengan Facebook. Tambahan kata “millat” itu sendiri diambil dari bahasa Urdu yang biasa digunakan untuk merujuk kepada negara. Dalam MillatFacebook ini setiap pengguna dapat menuliskan pesan di dinding temannya. Situs ini juga memungkinkan pengguna mengirim foto, email, video, dan juga melakukan chat. Yang agak unik adalah dalam pengaturan profil terdapat isian mengenai diri kita apakah “smoker” & “drinker”. Tapi ada hal yang lebih unik lagi dan menurutku itu keren sekali, yaitu konten Term of Use MillatFacebook tersebut:

Only Terms of using this website are:

1) You must respect Humanity
2) You must respect Believes of all People
3) No Disrespect to anyone


millAtfacebook Team

Saat ini akses terhadap situs MillatFacebook memang terasa sangat lambat, belum secepat facebook. Hal tersebut sudah dikonfirmasi oleh pihak pengembang MillatFacebook. Mereka saat ini sedang melakukan upgrading MillatFacebook. Selama proses itu dilakukan, akses akan berjalan lambat. Sekedar informasi, pengguna MillatFacebook sekarang sudah mencapai angkai 19.000 orang. Termasuk angka yang fantastis untuk ukuran situs yang baru saja lahir.

Menarik untuk menantikan bagaimana sikap resmi facebook terhadap kemunculan situs yang menyerupainya ini. Ada kekhawatiran facebook akan menuntut MillatFacebook dengan alasan plagiasi atau melanggar hak cipta. Tetapi sebenarnya jika kita mengeksplorasinya, kita akan menemukan user experience yang berbeda dari facebook yang sudah kita kenal. Jadi kalau menurutku sih seharusnya MillatFacebook itu bisa dikatakan legal.

Terakhir, yang jelas aku senang sekali ada sebuah situs jejaring sosial muslim yang tidak kalah bagusnya dengan facebook. “Well done guys. You have made a great alternative for the whole Muslim ummah (nation)!”

32 thoughts on “, Situs Jejaring Sosial Muslim Tandingan Facebook

  1. azzaam

    sudah seharusnya dari dulu seperti itu, muslim kudu berjaya dan menciptakan kreatifitasnya sendiri 🙂

    Izin copas ya bang…


  2. zaiki khrd

    Hehmm.. Semakin banyak fungsi-fungsi yang dapat mempermudahkan orang berkomunikasi.
    Baik dengan seluler, chatting, e-mail, dll….
    🙄 puyeng ini harus pakai apa?
    Semoga dengan adanya seperti ini dapat menciptakan persatuan dan kesatuan umat muslim khususnya, menjauhi sikap paling benar, menghindari saling menyalahkan atau membid’ahkan, dan yang paling utama jangan sampai kita terpengaruh dengan banyaknya budaya dari luar muslim dalam mengikis akidah umat.

    allahua’lambishowab 😐


  3. Annisa Hidayat stju bngt..smoga adanya situs ini dapat menciptakan persatuan dan kesatuan umat muslim khususnya, menjauhi sikap paling benar, menghindari saling menyalahkan atau membid’ahkan, dan yang paling utama jangan sampai kita terpengaruh dengan banyaknya budaya dari luar muslim dalam mengikis akidah umat.
    mari kita kokohkan ukhuwah Islamiyah, mari kita gunakan situs sprti ini sbgai wahana ta’arruf dan shillaturrahim..


  4. tomo

    baru tau rasa si facebook itu. kalo bisa semua iklan-iklan dari perusahaan muslim semua diambil alih oleh millatfacebook. jadi si yahudi mark zuckerberg tidak bisa mengambil keuntungan dari income umat islam.


  5. otidh Post author

    alamatnya memang bener itu…
    statement yg ada di halamannya sih mengatakan kalo mereka sedang melakukan upgrade terhadap website-nya
    jadi sementara ini belum bisa diakses


  6. irfan

    I found this informative and want to share with such a knowledgeable people like you


    Below is some information from a reputable site which you may find exciting.

    An Extract of the information from the link below (as of 18th October 2010 – there are slight daily fluctuations):
    • If was a country it would be bigger than Greenland and Cayman’s Islands based on daily traffic
    • 1 in every 29,070 internet users visits MFB daily
    • Per CONSERVATIVE estimate, app 60,000 Unique visitors Daily

    You will find more information including the geographical breakdown from the link above.
    In addition, it might be worth mentioning here that MFB is ONLY social networking site in the world where more than 2/3 rd of the users spend OVER 2 Hours which is pretty unique.

    It is also worth mentioning here that MFB is constantly improving and innovating. Not only does MFB offer all the features that any other social network does but many additional and unique ones like:
    • Free Live TV
    • Bulletins
    • Shout Box
    • Public Chat Rooms
    • Recipes Feature
    • e.t.c

    This is in additional to all the usual features where all members have their walls, ability to search and/or invite their friends, emailing, creating groups, fan pages, blogs, polls, putting status, sharing videos, sharing pictures, staying connected, e.t.c

    We know the journey is long but one we are well onto and with our strict respect for User’s privacy, MFB is placed well ahead of any social network.

    Kind Regards,

    Omer Zaheer Meer
    ACCA (UK), BSc (Hons) (UK), CAT (UK), Adv. Financial Diploma (UK),
    Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist (UK) & Certified CSM (LCCI & SMEDA – PAK)

    Professional Associations: PRIMA (USA), ACCA (UK), PRMIA (USA), UKSIP (UK), CFAI (USA), LCCI (PAK) & MPDD (PAK)


  7. sara is Pakistan’s very own, first social networking site. A site for Muslims by Muslims where decent people of other religions are also welcome so come and join hand in hand to encourage this brave step and promote Unity of Muslim Ummah and prove to the world your love for Muhammad(pbuh) and and the power of technology which we actually have but we don’t consider it against our enemies


  8. kamran

    I totally agree with all those who think like that if we have alternative like then why we should go for Zionist facebook or even if we would not have any alternative even then we need not to go to those websites which are trying to do such things and their basic purpose is to just remove such love for Prophet(pbuh) from the heart of muslim youngsters that enable them to do any thing for islam. I request all those who are still silent that be alarmed your imaan is being targeted by these jews so that u become shameless and do all those acts which cant be done due to the existence of love for Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) and love for Allah and if you dont take any actions against this propaganda of jews then note the words of Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) that “no one can be a believer until unless i become most dearest to him or her than everything and everyone even ownself” and if somebody is not a believer then there is no question of shafaaat and forgiveness on the day of judgment. It seems that the activities of Facebook against Prophet Muhammad(pbuh), Allah(swt) and His nobel book Quran is now giving those muslims who truly love prophet Muhammad(pbuh) more than anything and anyone even their ownself an opportunity to prove the purity of their love and also a test for those who think that they love Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and get His shifaat at the day of judgement. Now Allah(swt) is testing who is true beleiver and who is not. No one knows how many of us would take this opportunity and how many of us loose this opportunity. How many of us would say at the day of judgment “O my Lord thank you so much for giving me hadaiaah to choose what is right among the wrongone” and how many of us would say ” I wish i would not have choosen the wrong among the rightone”
    But Allah’s reply would nothing but this ” I had given you the choice and showed you the right but you didn’t chose the right”

    Please wake up from slumber and open your eyes in the world of islam where everything is very clear and ask us to get ready for the day of judgment a day when we all are accountable for our own deeds and no one would be there to help us except our own deeds and if still you want to sleep in this dreamy world where everything is so beautiful and seems that it would never end, where the concept is just to live wheather with good deeds or bad deeds then Allah(Swt) has already mentioned in sora Mulk that

    ” I have created death and life to test u which of u is best in deeds” (ayat no.2)

    and Allah has mentioned in sora asar that

    1. By Al-‘Asr (the time).

    2. Verily! Man is in loss,

    3. Except those who believe (in Islamic Monotheism) and do righteous good deeds, and recommend one another to the truth (i.e. order one another to perform all kinds of good deeds (Al-Ma’ruf)which Allah has ordained, and abstain from all kinds of sins and evil deeds (Al-Munkar)which Allah has forbidden), and recommend one another to patience (for the sufferings, harms, and injuries which one may encounter in Allah’s Cause during preaching His religion of Islamic Monotheism or Jihad, etc.).

    You can see the first condition to be successful is to believe that there is no God but Allah and Muhammad(pbuh) is his me abd and Messenger but this condition cant be achieved by just saying Kalma Shahadah but it requires your actions accordingly as mentioned in hadith that ” No one can be a believer untill unless i become most dearest to him or her than everything and everyone even ownself” Now peep into your heart and search for the answers of two questions that are
    1)who is dearest to me ?
    2)Am i a true believer ?

    you will definately get your answers and once you get answers of these questions then the choice would be all yours whether to be successful in this world and hereafter or to sleep in this beautiful dreamy world and keep in mind dreams are bound to end within one or more days or may be within few hours


  9. raza

    Join this Group “United against Facebook’s ridiculing Prophet(P.B.U.H)
    Islam & now Holy Quran

    1. I hope you will do this , it takes not more then 2 minutes or 5 minutes if you have very slow internet connection. I think it is a nice idea to have alternative social site for the muslim people.
    This is an excellent effort by Muslims. I will request to all of my friends to join this social site, which is purely our own.


  10. amurtza

    Invite All Your Friends to MFB
    AOA to all
    Today i find something really interesting on our MFB may be this is might be new for you but its something new for me and that is “Invite” option with which you can invite all your friends at Hotmail,Gmail,Yahoo,AOL,Orkut and much much more. I must say i’m lovin it and gonna invite all my friends to my MFB how about you?

    Thumbs up for our MFB team


  11. haroonnawaz

    The latest Facebook news is that the hugely popular social networking site would shut down on 15 March 2011. You can join (MFB) Highly Privacy protected but has all the FEATURES offered by FB or any other social network and much more like Free LIVE Tv, Recipes, Public Chat rooms, Schools, Multimedia, Live Kaaba View, e.t.c



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